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Archive | October, 2023

Episode #280 Skinny Sumo and Heart Attack Freebies

Episode #280 has Matt and Louie in the same room! They get caught up on their adventures and then get into the strange news! This week the chat about sumo wrestling no longer having size restriction and the guy who fakes heart attacks to get free meals!

Odd News Stories – Skinny sumo wrestlers? Height and weight requirements are dropped by sport’s governing body – Man arrested for faking heart attacks to get out of paying restaurants


Episode #279 Carpool Bull and The Basset Face Lift

Episode #279 Begins with Matt and Louie as competing bidders at an auction, then they get into the strange news! This week they talk about the carpool buddy that’s a longhorn bull and the basset hound that got a facelift!

Odd News Stories – My basset hound was having trouble seeing — I took him to get a facelift – A ‘beefed up’ car with giant bull named Howdy Doody crammed into passenger seat pulled over by Nebraska police